Year: 2022

My Coat of Arms

New Zealand’s flag which is shown in the middle of my emblem represents the place I was born and raised. The yellow cross in the background represents Jesus’ crucifixion on the cross. The pink flowers are meant to represent my culture, Samoa and the word FIDELIS comes from the language Latin which translates to FAITH.

Boy Up A Tree

“As I climb up a tree, high above ground I notice black smoke coming toward me. I look down to find houses getting burnt down, including mine. The smell of smoke flares up my nostrils giving me goosebumps. I listen to the sound of my family arguing, crying, screaming, it’s such a horrid scene down there. I watch as the people who are hurting my family and my home have no remorse in their actions whatsoever. So much rage enters into my body but knowing that I can’t do anything to prevent these fires enrages me even more. The taste of smoke is too much to handle, I’m about to faint. The people burning my house down hadn’t even given us time to take our belongings out, nor had they told us anything about burning our homes. I despise them, they will never be forgiven. I hope they may never have any peace in this world.”

Jesus Campaign

My class and I heard that Jesus needed our help, so to spread more awareness our class individually made an ad campaign for teachers. Their are multiple positions to choose from and each position has its own importance of spreading the word of God. It’s not too late to help spread the word of the Lord!